Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Parting ways

I, Swinger, the coolest Monkey ever, have been replaced. . I think. . Sybil rarely travels with me anymore. . .though once in a while I get to tag along. . but I just found out that she was in the Bahamas!! And did I get to go ? NO!

I think it has to do with the fact that she doesn't want to be reminded of her old Monkey Boy. . I was a gift from him. . one of the only things he ever got her. . I think I am a reminder. . but then I realize. . she has gotten used to traveling. .and she has always been a bit of a loner who enjoys time to herself. . . she seems much less alone now than she did all that time. . stronger somehow. . more centered? Not much for the old monkey loving anymore. . I guess you know what happens when you love monkies right? You tend to get some poo flung on you. . .

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Spy Monkey

Philly Jan 2008

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Swinger's Photo Album

Friday, April 06, 2007

Monkey Adventure's

Monkey in Toyko, Shinjuku Face

This is my photo album from the last month or so

. . Me at Airport

Swinger Monkey in downtown Chicago

Swinger at the zoo!

Happy days!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Chicago to Milwaukee and Back Again

This is me. . . . Swinger the monkey
I am sitting on my window ledge in my hotel room in downtown Chicago, where I was last night. . Sybil held me all night really tight, and even though she tossed and turned, she did eventually get soem sleep.. . she has been very restless and nervous and stressed as of late,.. . that monkey has something on her mind. . . and she got sick this week. . . bad cold she has been trying to fight off but not been eating much either. .. poor monkey. . I hope she feels better soon. . I hope her problems don;t come from monkey's. . . LOL

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

My Trip to NYC

I, best monkey of all monkies in the world, Swinger, got to do some sight seeing in NYC this time. . last time I spent most of the time in my pocket in the back pack. . but this time I got to see the displays and the tree all lite up at Rockerfeller. . . as you can see my friends', Sponge Bob and Elmo were hanging by the tree too. . it looked like some guy was pimping them out for pictures. . . LOL. . but not Swinger. . oh no. . . Sybs and I took a picture together by the tree. . but only I could get past the security Guard. . ok. . well, I got in with the security Guard.. . LOL

Now, I am back home. . . and still being cuddled and carried around in Sybil's shirts. . I actually was inside of her coat all the way home on Monday. .she must be needing some extra cuddling right now. .


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tonight in Rochester. . ROAD TRIP!!!

we are in Rochester tonight . . . Sybil has been wrestling since she got into town and since we plan on getting up early to head down into NYC, it is almost bedtime. .
But don't forget that good old fashioned, MONKEY LOVE!!!!

Hi!!! I'm Swinger

This morning I am on the road with Sybil. .. . she is even sillier than I am. . we are in Cleveland and she just brought me back this big cup of coffee from the breakfast here at the La Quinta. . she said I couldn't go with her to breakfast as they don't allow pets in the breakfast area. . .

who am I?
a Monkey. . a stuffed monkey toy named Swinger. . . security at the airport often giggle when they find me in this tough "fighter girl"s backpack. . but I keep her company on the road. . she gets very lonely and at night I get to sleep with her. . she cuddles close grasping me all night. . .it is nice even if I have a hard time breathing sometimes. . . she likes to walk around with me in her pocket. . .
This all started a little over a year ago when her "Monkey Boy" bought me for her when they were in Philly together. . yes that is my home town, Philladelphia, the home of brotherly love. . .
So anyway, her Monkey Boy bought me for her. .and I have gone everywhere with her since. . . when she is really misssing him she cries a little bit and holds me even tighter. . but I can take it, I am stuffed. . not like those boy toys that scream and yell when she wrestles them. . . lol
ok, we are getting ready to head to Rochester, NY today. . maybe we will take more pics along the way. . .